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About NSSC

Our Missions and Values


Building nuclear safety systems that the people and the world trust


To protect people and the environment and to contribute to the peace of mankind,
We secure the highest level of nuclear safety.
We protect nuclear facilities from both internal and external threats, such as terrorism.
We strengthen emergency system for any nuclear emergency or accidents.
We comply with international standards for the peaceful use of nuclear energy

Core values

All the members of NSSC shares the following core values of a safety regulatory agency
  • Technical Excellence
    accumulate expertise and experiences that the people can build trust on
  • Independence
    progress vigorously with works only for the nation and people
  • Transparency
    leave no doubts throughout the safety regulatory process
  • Impartiality
    stand with impartiality and objectiveness
  • Reliability
    comply with principles and maintain clarity and consistency
Based on the core values, the principles are applied to the works of NSSC
  • Service for the people is our top priority
  • Mutual respect based on trust
  • Effective management to improve performance
  • International collaboration that lives up to the national status
  • Active communication with the people and disclosure of information